Tuesday 30 December 2014


Hey NY,

These were my impressions of you, thanks for being a hospitable host.  

-NY is huge compared to TO

-The subways are confusing and the stations are old 

-Manhattan is where the stereotypical NY culture lies.  We stayed in Queens.  Each borough has its own quirks.  If you're a New Yorker, you don't really have to venture out into the other ones because everything is at your doorstep. 

-There's something special about growing up in NY that gives you an edge 

-People-wise, it didn't feel much different than TO.   

-I questioned how safe it would be to commute alone during certain times and in certain places but i'm sure the residents don't feel that way and it was just my inner tourist.  

-How I wish I had Central Park memorized and I could explore the museums in my free time.  

-In certain places, it was easy to distinguish social divides 

-Times Square was overwhelming but once you walk end to end, it doesn't feel that huge.  There's definitely nothing like it but in my opinion, it wasn't the best part of NY :) It felt bigger the first time.  

-My hipster wannabe just wants to chill in my dream Brooklyn condo overlooking the Williamsburg bridge.  Knowing me, i'd get bored so this isn't an intense desire (haha)

-I wish I wasn't just a tourist.  But it would take years to properly know New York just because it's so grand.  

Finally, I know that everyone's experience of the Big Apple will be different.  There's so much going on.  It definitely made me appreciate Toronto for all the reasons they're similar and different.  Now to answer the age old question: Is Toronto a smaller version of NY? Yes and No.  Our downtown feels more welcoming, where everyone of all backgrounds can come together and just be.  Toronto is big, but it's definitely more quaint than NYC.  I think both places is where you can live out the "American dream".  

NEW YORK: Central Park

New York for Christmas? Been there! 

This was the second time i've been to NY, and i'd definitely go again.  I love travelling where my family has acquaintances because we truly get the best of both worlds.  Touristy things and local gems, it was all great.  I loved it. 

We've been the Empire State Building before but hitting up Central Park was definitely the epitome of New York.  I wonder how well off you need to be to own a condo beside Central Park.  I want 2 days just to explore every inch of it.  NY is also abundant with a ton of museums and oh how I wish I was its city dweller so I could visit every single one.  The Museum of Natural History was definitely worth walking through (I did find an error in the Islam section though haha).  All the time in Manhattan, I kept thinking about the character Ross from friends (devoted fan, right?).  I really appreciated the characters more just being in Manhattan; their lives could've easily matched someone walking through Central Park.  Oh, we did the touristy thing of paying for a ricksha ride.  If you're short on time and want to learn a lot of things, I recommend it.  Hitting up the mid part all the way to 57th and 6th in the south would've taken hours on foot.  

The acoustics inside the tunnel were amazing.  The most beautiful choir sung the whole time.  I like how my sister and dad are so candid in the picture below, just interacting with each other.  

Part of me wishes I was an architecture student. 

                    Can we please pretend this is where they filmed the F.R.I.E.N.D.S theme song?

        Bethesda Fountain was a beauty.  Underneath this staircase was the tunnel with the best artwork.  

John Lennon's memorial.  It felt so heavy standing near it.  Some people took pictures with it, but I didn't have the heart to take one with it.  His words preached peace.  He was assassinated walking into his home.     

They call it proposal bridge.  Legend has it if the girl says no, you can push her into the water (haha). I want to come here every season of the year, just to see its transition.  I think its name is appropriate.
We did get a chance to see the ice skating rink, and the Shakespeare walk (also called the Mall) and various monuments.  Those pictures are on my phone and I may write about them another time.  For now, I don't feel like  uploading them (writing this post is a procrastination ploy).  But I appreciated learning about the history that comes with Central Park.  

New York, I wish we weren't just acquaintances.  Let's meet again.

Thursday 18 December 2014

all about dec 19, 2014

Today was a day so different to my normal days.  

-I went to my first grown up office potluck party.  Adults know how to throw a good potluck, the food made it worth everything.

-I got to see my childhood lovelies for a casual dinner where we dressed up to sit on the couches in my house.  It was divine and I was so content.  

-It was the day after the hardest semester of my life.  I spoke to an upper year about that and I think he didn't take me seriously because of more experience and all that jazz.  

From here on out, things will be harder.  I need to prepare myself for this. InshaAllah I enjoy it once I start.  

Friday 12 December 2014

19 things I've learned in 19 years

Forgive me, this is the only picture I took today on a busy day of errands.  

Hi, today was my birthday.  Thank you for the birthday wishes, you have no idea how much they mean to me.  Birthdays to me are occasions where I seriously reflect.  In fact, I've been told I think too much.  I always have, I probably always will.  It makes me more prone to heartbreak, but if it's any consolation I prefer being passionate.  I am no way an expert in life, but I'd like to list some things i've learned over the years.  

1) It's okay to ask for help.  It doesn't make you inferior or weak.  Yes, there will be people who will put you down indirectly for not being as knowledgable as they are but there are people who help you.    Those people are worth gaining knowledge from anyway.  

2) Your parents have the greatest influence on your behaviour, even if you constantly deny it.  

3) Your family is your greatest support group.  They only want the best for you, even if it doesn't come across like that all the time.  They help to the greatest of their ability.  Especially your parents.  I am so grateful to my parents for all they have sacrificed for me over the years and striving to give me a beautiful life.  Their courage is something I want to work towards achieving because it is truly outstanding.  How do I ever reach that level of love and endurance.  I am so blessed.  
4) Not everyone is going to like you.  Some won't even try to get to know you.  Sad, but true.  

5) The most difficult thing to do is to let go.  It takes an enormous amount of courage, but once you do it's the greatest favour you can do for yourself.  

6) Everything I was told about university was incorrect in some way or another.  I think it would've been easier to come in with a blank slate. 

7) Sometimes, you can't have it all and you have to pick your battles.  It's usually for the best, but it takes time to tell.

8) Life is full of temporary people.  They come in for a season, or a few, and once they leave they make you think about who you are as a person.  

9) Extraordinary is a relative term.

10) This stems from the last point, but comparison really is the thief of all joy.  I find that the best thing is to improve myself from who I was a the day before.  (Believe me, this is something i'm trying to work on). 

11) Jokes aside, your friends are people who make you feel beautiful.  No exceptions.  

12) Everyone always says it gets easier.  I disagree, I think it becomes easier to cope.  Sometimes, it doesn't get easier to cope because things are becoming more difficult.  (This is an observation, not a rant haha) 

13) It becomes easier to sleep through alarms (don't I know it). 

14) The ratio of people you really click with, compared to those that you don't, is low.  This is not a bad thing, in time it's a great thing.  

15) Hard work pays off.  (Super cliché I know) 

16) With certain groups of people you may act a certain way, but you should never compromise your integrity.

17)  Life is peachy when the awkward years are not mentioned.  

18) There is peace in spirituality.  

19) There is so much I need to learn about life.  But I know that I want to strive to be the best version of myself. 

Monday 6 October 2014

September summarized

I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like, and I think that's okay because I want it to be a hobby.  However, it does make me realize I don't take enough pictures as I would like to.  With that thought out of the way, shall I summarize september 2014? (I love alliterations haha)

Things that have made me happy:
(Admittedly, the majority of these have been documented during the beginning of the month) 
-mom putting a mini chocolate bar in a lunch she prepared me one day
-shawarmas.  I've had them a few times this month at different establishments and the ones I get on campus cafeterias are bomb. 
-finally finding a leather jacket for a decent price
-the amazing things my parents have been able to see this month

Things that i've learned: 
-something I appreciate about science is parsimony
-the function of the mediator does exactly what its name suggests.  I love when science has purposeful names instead of technical hogwash they want us to regurgitate.
-not to assume (although later in the month, my initial assumptions were correct)
-need to get things on track (inshaAllah)
-life is smoother when my parents are around 

Things that have happened:
-EID! The only thing that I was excited for because I got to wear a fancy dress mom and dad gifted my sister and I.  All in all, a lovely day spent with family I don't get to see frequently.  I loved that I got to wear a bit more makeup for once. 
-A breakdown. InshaAllah, I can get on track.  I feel awful about having it still but, what can you do.
-the leaves are starting to change colour! Fall, please don't leave us so soon.  I want to document your colours.  
-Lots of loads of laundry 

A picture of Eid day makeup.  The lighting washes it out but here it is.
I wish I could recall more of what happened but I should get back to work.  If you're reading to the end of this blogpost, I probably know and adore you.  So whisper hello :) 

Sunday 14 September 2014

5 things I've learned this week

One of my favourite blogs is Cider with Rosie.  She does this segment where she reflects on her past week in short, but sweet, comments.  For some reason, I adore this idea even if most of the world probably isn't interested in what I have to say.  I've decided to make my own segment based on this idea.  I imagine it will become a monthly thing, but this past week definitely has been a learning one (in both good and bad ways).  

  • readings take much longer than you originally plan for
  • when you get out of bed, don’t go back. You’re not just going to rest for “5 more minutes”
  • the old man singing “Daisy” on the bus appreciated the Quran. His level of confidence is something I want to work towards as I age 
  • it’s going to take a lot to impress my course supervisor 
  • when running late, the absolute minimum is concealer. Just apply it and go. Going barefaced didn't do anyone any favors.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Friends this week

Coming into second year, I told myself it's okay to be a loner.  I go to a large university, so sometimes it's easy to get lost in the crowd.  In fact, all my classes are in Convocation Hall (google it).  Today, was a heavy day but a few kind comments made me smile.  Dear friends, I dedicate this to you because you have no idea how much I value you no matter how long it's been since we've last spoken.

First of all, 

My friend incorporated me into her friendship wall in her new place.  Silent satisfaction that she gets to look at my face (her face is better).  

Hanan, I wish we could see more of each other.  You make me feel better about myself and we have inappropriate conversations in public.  

Arviy, you're welcome.  Haha, I jest.  You always support my endeavours.  Thank you.  I like that I can talk to you about anything and you understand.  Your thriving social life aside, we have mutual feelings about basically everything.  You are the brown edition of Chandler, and I applaud you.  I like that I can text you about basically everything from Marlee ave to life.  

Hey Erica? I'll miss writing you math pick-up lines in calc class.  I enjoy our conversations about the most mundane things LOL why are they so much more entertaining with you (including Tim Hortons work-related stories).  You're someone who I know I can be completely honest around and not worry about you questioning our friendship. 

Hey girl, I'm your biggest fan.  Just saying.  I love that we click.  

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Worn: First Day of School

Yesterday was my first day of class as a second year university student.  Moment of silence here, please.  How did a year pass by so quickly?!  Is it strange that I feel like i'm still in first year?  Perhaps, it's because I don't perceive myself as being different than I was in first year.  Regardless, I can already anticipate the chaos that is to come.  Let's hope that second year is a fulfilling one, inshaAllah.  

Now, on to the outfit.  Yesterday was a gorgeous day, with the sunshine providing an aura that makes you want to take a nap.  Although feeling lethargic is probably not a good way to start the week, it's so reminiscent of relaxing, no-obligation summer days.  I decided to recycle a summer outfit, with fall touches.  


I hate to admit it, but my sister is actually hilarious and is always cracking me up. :)

Funny story: I had actually planned to wear boho floral pants but they had a hole in them.  A last minute change left me leaving the house in my trusty joggers.  I love them. Enough said. (Thank you to Celina for introducing me to them).

My backpack is a recent purchase from Target.  I've been looking for a leather backpack that would fit my laptop for a while and was actually surprised that I found one at Target.  (Silent prayer that it lasts).  I love gold detailing.  In fact, I decided on my sunglasses shade because it has the gold rim, as opposed to the brown versions.  

Attempting to stand on the wooden bench swing.  

and succeeding! 

 I'm going to miss this view once winter comes along. 

It's the little things like a gorgeous sunny day (when it's not scorching) that uplift the somber thoughts that come with going back to school.

P.S. I'm publishing this as I head off to my first BIO230 lecture in about 10 mins. Ahh 

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Summer Skincare Favourites

Let's face it: I will never be a beauty guru.  Nope, I don't have the resources to constantly try out new products.  Besides, I've been following the same regime for years.  Occasionally, I tend to mix it up (purely by chance, I assure you).  Because I don't change things up, I can't designate my skincare routine to certain seasons.  However, these products have been an exception.  
The Mango Body Sorbet from the Body Shop is an absolute dream.  I'm the lazy girl who will often skip moisturizing simply because it takes so much time! In the summer, I especially can't stand the greasy feeling most moisturizers leave behind as they absorb into the skin.  However, with the Mango Sorbet, it absorbs in seconds.  A little definitely goes a long way!  Not to mention, it is the yummiest thing I have ever smelled.  I'm not kidding when I say i've attempted tasting it.  It doesn't taste like mangoes as much as it smells like them.  I will definitely carry on using this as autumn comes along.                                    
The Vitamin E Moisture Lotion with SPF 15 is admittedly not a new product.  I've been using it for a few years now.  I feel like most moisturizers are especially greasy in the summer, but this one is ideal.    It leaves the skin with a smooth, soft finish while providing a bit of SPF.  I love this stuff enough to use it all year round.  
If you couldn't tell, I think the Body Shop is a great brand to suit all types of skincare needs.  No, i'm not being sponsored by them (I wish, i'm such an advocate for their products).  

Life lately

The lazy summer afternoons have had me binge watching youtube videos with a cup of tea.  The last few weeks of summer have had no obligations attached to them so doing so is absolute bliss.  It's nice not to think for periods of time.  My darling sister recently organized our shelf and I love the new set-up.  It's a reminder to start getting organized though, school's starting next week! It's a bittersweet feeling; i'm anticipating being super busy again.   

Sunday 31 August 2014

Welcome to Custom Blue

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! 

My name is Mehnaz.  Currently, I am a second year science student living in Toronto, Canada.  I am infatuated by all things beautiful and have decided to start a blog as a creative outlet.  Over the past year, I have fallen in love with blogs.  There's something about recognizing the potential in every day and having it documented.  Seeing as I live in Toronto, i've learned to make it my own.  The name of this blog stems from my favourite colour and my desire to customize things to make them more individual.  I foresee this blog to be focused on the lifestyle of a student, often simple and silly.  So grab a cup of tea, and stay awhile!  (It's one of my favourite things to do).

p.s. the picture was taken while watching an episode of Arthur haha you're never too old for Arthur ;)