Friday 12 December 2014

19 things I've learned in 19 years

Forgive me, this is the only picture I took today on a busy day of errands.  

Hi, today was my birthday.  Thank you for the birthday wishes, you have no idea how much they mean to me.  Birthdays to me are occasions where I seriously reflect.  In fact, I've been told I think too much.  I always have, I probably always will.  It makes me more prone to heartbreak, but if it's any consolation I prefer being passionate.  I am no way an expert in life, but I'd like to list some things i've learned over the years.  

1) It's okay to ask for help.  It doesn't make you inferior or weak.  Yes, there will be people who will put you down indirectly for not being as knowledgable as they are but there are people who help you.    Those people are worth gaining knowledge from anyway.  

2) Your parents have the greatest influence on your behaviour, even if you constantly deny it.  

3) Your family is your greatest support group.  They only want the best for you, even if it doesn't come across like that all the time.  They help to the greatest of their ability.  Especially your parents.  I am so grateful to my parents for all they have sacrificed for me over the years and striving to give me a beautiful life.  Their courage is something I want to work towards achieving because it is truly outstanding.  How do I ever reach that level of love and endurance.  I am so blessed.  
4) Not everyone is going to like you.  Some won't even try to get to know you.  Sad, but true.  

5) The most difficult thing to do is to let go.  It takes an enormous amount of courage, but once you do it's the greatest favour you can do for yourself.  

6) Everything I was told about university was incorrect in some way or another.  I think it would've been easier to come in with a blank slate. 

7) Sometimes, you can't have it all and you have to pick your battles.  It's usually for the best, but it takes time to tell.

8) Life is full of temporary people.  They come in for a season, or a few, and once they leave they make you think about who you are as a person.  

9) Extraordinary is a relative term.

10) This stems from the last point, but comparison really is the thief of all joy.  I find that the best thing is to improve myself from who I was a the day before.  (Believe me, this is something i'm trying to work on). 

11) Jokes aside, your friends are people who make you feel beautiful.  No exceptions.  

12) Everyone always says it gets easier.  I disagree, I think it becomes easier to cope.  Sometimes, it doesn't get easier to cope because things are becoming more difficult.  (This is an observation, not a rant haha) 

13) It becomes easier to sleep through alarms (don't I know it). 

14) The ratio of people you really click with, compared to those that you don't, is low.  This is not a bad thing, in time it's a great thing.  

15) Hard work pays off.  (Super cliché I know) 

16) With certain groups of people you may act a certain way, but you should never compromise your integrity.

17)  Life is peachy when the awkward years are not mentioned.  

18) There is peace in spirituality.  

19) There is so much I need to learn about life.  But I know that I want to strive to be the best version of myself. 

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